Encryption Services

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Encryption Services

We offer symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The most commonly used symmetric encryption algorithms include the AES 3-DES SNOW. Symmetric Encryption Cryptography uses the same secret key to encrypt the raw message at the source, transmit the encrypted message to the recipient, and then decrypt the message at the destination.


When data is in the complete protection state, the keys to decrypt it is stored deep within the operating system and encrypted themselves. But once you unlock your device the first time after reboot, lots of encryption keys start getting stored in quick access memory, even while the phone is on a resting mode.

Asymmetrically encryption is commonly known as keyless public keys encryption. Asymmetric encryption communications use only one key and the communication parties share the identical (private) key for both encrypted and decrypted communications.

The most commonly used asymmetric encryption algorithms include the RSA Elliptic curve cryptography. The two key systems of encryption use public-key encryption: one for encryption and another for decryption. This decrypting key will remain confidential unless it can be used in public (hence ‘private keys name’) while the encryption key may be used in public. Asymmetric coding is an integral part of TLs (often referred to as SSL) protocol.

What is encryption?

Encryption refers to a systematic way of scrambling data to ensure that only authorized people can understand the information. Scrambling of data refers to converting simple readable text into “jargon” or incomprehensible texts that are also known as ciphertext. Encryption makes readable data and transforms it into something that appears random and unreadable.

At times, someone usually a third party would be tracking your phone. In the modern world, hackers have developed several malwares and tools that can hack your phone and track conversations. The problem is a threat to your privacy and security. We develop a cryptographic key that protects you against hackers and other third party spies. Our keys are secure and complex such that a third party will fail to decrypt or break the ciphertext by guessing or developing another key.

A cryptographer uses encryption technology to convert data to ciphertext. The encrypted data may be altered by an algorithm to make it more predictable, even though it may be random, it may still be reconstructed using the decrypted key.

Cryptographic keys are strings of letters and numbers that are used to modify a data structure. Like a physical key, a key locks data to be locked and decrypted only by a person with a suitable key.


Why is Data encryption necessary?

The importance of data encryption is that it offers you privacy and security. Privacy and security: Encryption is an effective way to stop unwanted behavior and it guarantees privacy protection.

  • Privacy
  • Secure
  • Authentication
  • Data Integrity

We will develop for you a unique encryption algorithm that transforms your data into ciphertext. If your phone is stolen, you do not risk losing any private information. You do not have to get scared or get stressed that hackers can open it and download useful files. We also ensure that you can use the decryption key to turn the ciphertext into data should you recover your phone. At times, you could be having a weak password on your phone apps. We also assist you to develop high-quality passwords that resist brute force attacks.

What is a Brute Force Attack?

A brute force attack is when an attacker who does not know the decryption key attempts to determine the key by making millions of guesses. Brute force attacks have become common with the invention of modern computers where attackers can create a system that makes the attacks in a short time. Therefore, you need modern encryption processes that are accompanied by high-quality passwords which are resistant to attacks. We ensure that our encryption services make you enjoy browsing the internet without fearing brute force attacks.