
About Us

Granitephone is a company that started to ensure that all phone users are safe and their privacy rights are respected as they browse online. We acknowledge that with the advent of the internet, people have a strong online presence and they need secure smartphones. Our brand also recognizes the various privacy and security threats that are embedded in most online systems.

Granitephone is one of the best mobile operating systems and it is private and secure. Our services ensure that your security and privacy are guaranteed. We build features that protect your phone against real security threats. Our services ensure that all our features are usable and all apps on the phone are compatible.

Most people store their account details, pay bills, shop and credit card, social security numbers, and bank accounts on their phones. Hackers have realized that people do not have good information on the personal protection of their phones and they have penetrated the system for the purposes of stealing data. Some people have lost their identities and money. 

Most payment apps and devices just need the tap and go system which has security vulnerabilities. According to the Evil Internet Minute Report from RisIQ, cybercrime costs the global economy almost $2.9 million per minute. The Council of Economic Advisors said that the United States lost $109 billion in 2016 to hackers. These monies include those stolen from phone users that do not know much about online security and privacy risks.

Hacking Vulnerability protection

Our company has been at the forefront in developing systems that protect you against hacking vulnerabilities. We understand that you need more protection than before as hackers become more knowledgeable and Manipulative. We recognize that you need apps that do not compromise your personal data and security. Our company enforces IT security using various cybersecurity systems and processes that blocks unauthorized access to your phone and networks. We work towards maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of your private data and blocking access to your phone from hackers.

Client-Side Encryption

Granitephone platform has been built to build client-side encryption into their applications in minutes through a usable system. Our services work towards empowering the way you use your phone without fearing data loss should you lose your phone to theft or hackers. We also lower the risk of downloading malicious apps from the Google Play Store. Our utmost goal is to ensure that you have a smooth browsing and phone usage experience which is based on secure smartphones.

Data Security and Privacy

Granitephone company has highly experienced engineers and IT technicians that guarantee the safety and security of your phone. The company has a track record of helping clients and has created a long-lasting relationship that has been converted into client loyalty.
Our company aids you to reduce data breach risks and offers effective protection of critical information using a modern and application-centered approach to data encryption. We understand that you need more protection from thousands of Google apps and services that could present a threat tour your phone and your personal data.

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